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Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard © 2024 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard © 2024
All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him.
It is only by bringing God back to life that we can find true meaning for existence. Without God--the Ultimate, the First Cause--what meaning can there be? All is transitory and short lived. All is artificial. And, when man sets out to find meaning without the final arbiter, he is doing little more than playing at children's games. If you do not believe in the reality of a God; then believe in a fictional God and consider it a means to an end. Indulge yourself in the fiction for your mind can work wonders even this way. 1. The Teacher said that believers do not think they are perfect, but far from it, and that they are looking for the next leap forward, which also won't be perfect, for "perfection" can never be reached in a changing existence. There can be perfection of a type, but if that type remains as that type and is not the highest type of organism ever possible, then it is not true perfection. And, what of this leap forward? What does that mean? It means evolution and speciation. 2. ![]() 3. The Teacher said that the struggle and the competition is eternal and everywhere and is as much a part of existence as is expansion. Walk into a garden and look at the plants. All the flowers and the leaves are struggling and competing with other flowers and leaves, but the flowers and leaves on a single plant are also struggling and competing with each other. And, deep within the plants the genes are struggling and competing with each other for expression. 4. Who moves higher? It is the ones who leave the masses and who are different. But, all who leave the masses and all who are different will not necessarily move higher. It is not the separation and the differences, per se, that are essential, but the details of the differences that have led to the separation. These lonely outcast individuals who separate out to move higher can only exist if there are vast numbers of people born. It is not through restricting the birth rate in a misguided attempt to breed quality that nature requires in this case, but the highest possible birth rate. The highest possible birth rate allows for the maximum mixing and mutation of the 3.1 billion parts of the code that allows the evolutionary forces to work. To move higher means that we must teem and be so numerous that we force all others out. Then, a few will move higher, and they will become the new fathers and mothers of a new people. And, the process will continue for it is never ending. The new will replace the old. We are now at a time in the history of the Earth when this is about to happen with humans. The Bottleneck is coming. 5. Expand, adapt, evolve. 6. There is only one sentence that cannot be argued further: Because God wants it that way. Humans, in their egotistical arrogance about themselves, posit the notion that God is love. God is not love. Humans also posit the notion that God loves all humans exactly the same. Again, this is just humans trying to put on God, what God is not. God knows that there are different races (really different species and different subspecies). There is not one human type or one human race. To think this is foolish, anti-scientific and anti-life and because there is not one type--one race--and because evolution will always continue to bring in changes, God does not treat all different human peoples the same. He has SELECTED White people for His purposes and these purposes require us to never miscegenate or mix with non-Whites and to produce as may pure White children as possible during our life times. Can a human ever swim as fast as a fish or fly like a bird? Of course not. All living things are different. Can other humans take the path that we are on? No. We have the right "fins" and the "wings" for this journey in the form of our White DNA Code. Others do not have it. How do we know they don't have it? Because they lack the outward characteristics that reflect the inner reality. The outward characteristics are caused by the inner code. The major selected outward characteristic is our White skin and it is followed by our bone structure, head shape, facial features, etc. 7. COSMIC EVOLUTION AND US (All dates approximate) 13.7 billion years ago--Big Bang. Start of our universe. 4.5 billion years ago--Earth forms from spinning cloud of stellar dust. 3.8 billion years ago--First DNA molecule. 330 million years ago--First reptiles. 220 million years ago--First true mammals. 2.5 million years ago--Genus Homo. 200,000 years ago--Modern humans. 50,000 years ago--A few humans left Africa for Europe and kept evolving. 20,000 years ago--White people begin emerging in Europe. 11,000 years ago--Blond hair appears 10,000 years ago-Blue eyes appear 5,000 years ago--White people became dominant and virtually only type in Europe. 4,000 years ago--Recorded history began. Present day--Miscegenation, birth control, homosexuality, smaller families are stopping the evolution of many White families and are sending them, genetically, back to Africa or causing them to become extinct. Scientists now believe that a tiny mutation in gene slc24a5, located on the long leg of chromosome 15 at position 21.1, started in the few people who left Africa and headed into Europe about 50,000 years ago was a major reason for the emergence of white skin. White skin allowed in more sunlight and helped with the production of more Vitamin D than darker skin and prevented rickets. This mutation became the norm in Europe 5,300 to 12,000 years ago. This gene has primary alleles that differ in only one nucleotide, changing the 111th amino acid from alanine to threonine. In White European descended peoples, the threonine form is found in from 98.7% to 100% of the population while in Africans, East Asians and American Indians from 93% to 100% of the populations have the alanine form. Many other mutations occurred among this new race as these people moved out of Africa. Africa moved out of them as well, and they started on the road to being a separate species. That road continues on, but now with modern mass transportation and modern communications, the geographic and reproductive isolation needed to ensure speciation is being compromised and many whites are blending back in and returning to Africa inwardly and outwardly. As has been foretold, we're going to see a massive dying off of humans and a bottleneck. On the other side of the bottleneck a new type of human will emerge from out of the believers. 8. The Teacher said that an ideal society is one in which our people are separate and isolated from all other peoples so that our genetically determined true selves can be fully expressed and so that there is no gene transfer which will allow us to breed true and evolve on the best trajectory for us. The natural and instinctive way of our people is for each individual to try to be the best that he or she can be and to do the best that he or she can do. In such a separate society, all benefit from this natural way of our people since all are doing their share. 9. The Teacher was asked about the necessity of separation and isolation from all others in environments with special conditions that aid in the evolution of the people in the revealed best direction for the people, and he replied that this was God's law, but as with all of God's true laws, science has confirmed (or will confirm at some time for other laws) that for most macro-evolution to take place, organisms must be isolated from the multitude of their kind. When this happens, various natural and spontaneous mutations and changes occur in the organisms that are isolated. Some of the changes are adaptations caused by a different environment and some are just spontaneous but which stick because of the isolation and the lack of gene flow. These spontaneous mutations happen all the time in all organisms, but when the organisms are still with the multitudes, the mutations are usually bred out of the population in fairly short order because of gene flow, unless they provide some needed survival advantage. Isolated individuals in small groups with no gene flow with the multitudes begin diverging fairly quickly from the multitudes. The trick is to subtly and almost passively manage the changes and marshal them in the revealed best direction. 10. The Teacher said that if one truly understands genuine nature and its laws, and if one obeys these laws, and if one is able to discern what are not laws but mere possibilities and if one rejects wrong possibilities but accepts good ones, then one understands what God wants us to understand and one acts as God wants us to act. # # # |
THREE BOOKS BY HARD TO PIGEONHOLE H. MILLARD All three books are now listed
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